About My Writing


Each of us enter this world knowing little to nothing. Over time, we accumulate a set of beliefs about ourselves and the world -- beliefs that are programmed into us from birth by parents, school, religion, and society in general. Some of us are fortunate to receive a more positive program than others. And yet, it is still a program. The programming happens so gradually we hardly recognize that how we see ourselves and the world has largely been shaped by other peoples' beliefs that have been passed on to us.

"Speaking honestly without blame or criticism is an art that most people never learn."

-Diane Tracy

Freedom and authenticity come from questioning everything we have been taught.  It is not easy to do because our entire identity, who we think we are, comes into question, and other people can feel threatened by the changes they see in us.

If you inherited a positive program, you have a good foundation from which to question.  If you inherited a lousy program, as I and many others have, good for you.  You have an added motivation to find out what is real and true which is the place we find lasting peace -- a peace that can only be found within.  When you think about it, is there anything more important? Regardless of our pursuits and experiences in life, isn't that what we all want with every fiber of our being? A sense of peace and well-being?

Through my Author Facebook Page and Instagram Account and books to come, my sincere hope is that I can be a guide of sorts to help you ask the questions that will lead to answers that will help you live a more authentic, fulfilling life.

-Diane Tracy